Generating Healthcare Information in the Era of Automated AI | Amazon Web Services Machine Learning Blog

The Role of Large Language Models in Disease Awareness Marketing Content

Generative AI and transformer-based large language models (LLMs) have gained attention for their performance in various tasks. LLMs are now utilized in industries like healthcare and life sciences. One area where LLMs show promise is in generating marketing content for disease awareness, a critical component in the communication strategy of healthcare companies.

Streamlining Content Generation with Generative AI

AWS Generative AI Innovation Center has developed an AI assistant for medical content generation using LLM capabilities to create curated medical content efficiently. This system aims to reduce the time required for content generation and improve control over the process for subject matter experts.

Enhancing Accuracy and Precision through Additional Modules

To ensure the accuracy and compliance of the generated content, the system includes features for fact-checking and rules evaluation. These modules assess the factuality of the text and its alignment with regulations, providing transparency and control over the generative logic of the LLM.

Content Generation Workflow and Design

The process involves providing curated scientific data to the LLM, along with briefs outlining requirements and rules for the content. The system is designed to handle a vast amount of information from different sources and formats, utilizing services like Amazon Textract for information extraction and storage.

Iterative Revision Process for Content Improvement

The system allows for iterative revision of the generated content based on feedback from users. This revision process enhances the accuracy and clarity of the text, providing an interactive feedback loop between users and the LLM for continuous improvement.

Empowering SMEs with AI Assistance

The AI assistant facilitates the design of accurate medical content, empowering subject matter experts and brand managers in the content creation process. Through features like revision and factuality checking, the solution aims to optimize the generation of high-quality marketing content for disease awareness.


The article features insights from Sarah Boufelja Y., Liza Zinovyeva, Nikita Kozodoi, Marion Eigner, Nuno Castro, and Aiham Taleb, who are experts in the field of generative AI and machine learning. They discuss the potential of LLMs in transforming content generation processes and enabling new efficiencies in various industries.


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