School: In Toulouse, a fine of 30 euros for tardy evening parents.

Introduction of the New Late Pickup Policy in Toulouse

Toulouse parents may soon face a hefty fee for picking up their children late from after-school care. The city has announced the implementation of a €30 charge for any parent collecting their child from the perischool daycare after the scheduled end time – no later than 6:30 pm. The rationale behind this decision is the significant number of late pickups recorded annually.

Reasoning and Implementation of the Late Pickup Fee

According to the city of Toulouse, the new fee aims to address the substantial number of late pickups that have been increasing over the years, with only a small percentage of families consistently being late. The fee is intended to cover the labor costs of two supervisors who must remain on-site beyond their scheduled hours.

Reactions from Toulouse Parents and Authorities

This announcement has sparked anger among Toulouse parents, as the local branch of the Federation of Parents’ Councils (FCPE) criticizes the decision for lack of consultation with families. The FCPE president in Haute-Garonne expressed concerns regarding the measure potentially affecting low-income families disproportionately and likened the policy to punitive measures.

Comparison with Other Cities and Concerns Raised

The FCPE highlighted the considerable amount of the fine, contrasting it with other municipalities that have adopted a more gradual penalty system. For instance, in Strasbourg, late pickups incur escalating fines starting from €11.95 for the first and second offenses, increasing to €23.90 for subsequent late pickups.

![Image: Toulouse Center](toulouse_center.jpg)


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