Live Animation by Minh Dréan
This live event was also animated by Julien Lemaignen, Leslie Soulanvasy, Anna Villechenon, Minh Dréan, Jean-Philippe Lefief, and Glenn Cloarec.
Israel’s Strikes on Iran
The strikes by Israel in Iran are seen as retaliation designed to establish a new form of deterrence while avoiding escalation.
New Leader in Hezbollah
With Naïm Qassem as the new leader, Hezbollah seeks to demonstrate its continued presence.
Exodus in Baalbek, Lebanon
In Lebanon, there has been an exodus of residents from Baalbek, with fear visible on people’s faces.
Existential Crisis in Lebanon
“We are experiencing a truly existential moment of danger, as our state lies in ruins and our people are exhausted,” says a resident in Lebanon.
Constant Threat at Sainte-Thérèse Hospital
In southern Beirut, Sainte-Thérèse Hospital remains under constant threat from Israeli bombs.
Genocide Accusations in Gaza
The accusation of genocide in Gaza poses an unprecedented challenge for international justice.
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